7 Benefits of Using CardioLog’s Advanced Features for Business Users

Your organization has taken its SharePoint Analytics and Reporting initiatives by the reigns. You may have  assigned a steering team to create an organized plan for how to tackle challenges in the SharePoint portal, as well as use SharePoint Analytics to solve these issues and improve the portal. As a business user, you’ve become familiar[…]

Introduction to Intranet Analytics: New eBook available

An Introduction to Intranet Analytics Ebook is now available for viewing. Start your SharePoint analytics journey with this simple and easy to consume Ebook. If your organization is leveraging analytics for your SharePoint portal, you may be asking yourself: How can I increase portal productivity? What ways can I better engage with portal users? What[…]

3 Reasons We’re Excited for SPTechCon Boston

At the end of this month, the Intlock team will be gathering in the scenic city of Boston to attend one of this year’s largest conferences dedicated to SharePoint, SpTechCon Boston 2015. Our team has had the pleasure of attending the conference over the past few years, in both Boston and Austin. We have always had[…]

3 Perks of Using SharePoint Online for Enterprise Information Management

SharePoint Online is a flexible solution that can be useful for many small to medium-sized businesses. However, the solution also fits perfectly well into many large enterprise’s information management strategies. The opportunity for enterprises to be able to store all their internal information in one integrated portal is invaluable for increasing business efficiency. Here are[…]

3 Perks of Using SharePoint Online for Enterprise Information Management

Top Tips for Driving SharePoint and Office 365 Strategy

Last week, the Cardiolog Analytics team had the pleasure of Hosting Hilton Giesenow, a SharePoint MVP and an expert in the SharePoint space, for a webinar dedicated to providing the top tips for driving SharePoint and Office 365 strategy.  The webinar focused on strategies organizations can implement to leverage SharePoint more effectively. Here’s a few takeaways from[…]

4 Ways Gamification Sparks Productivity in SharePoint

One of the most challenging parts of any SharePoint deployment is actually getting employees to enter and use the portal. Once they’ve entered, the next challenge is figuring out how to help them be productive within the portal. So what can organizations do to spark productivity and engagement in the portal? Analytics provide useful data[…]

monitoring office 365

3 Benefits of Using Office 365 for Enterprises

There’s been a not-so-subtle buzz since Microsoft Ignite, hinting that Office 365 and it’s SharePoint Online feature are the next big thing. As of 2015, the number of enterprise organizations situating themselves on the cloud is growing every day. In today’s world where enterprises are always hustling and bustling, accessibility, mobility, and ease of use[…]

5 Takeaways from Driving SharePoint Adoption with Asif Rehmani

In case you weren’t able to make it to our webinar last week on SharePoint Adoption with Asif Rehmani, we wanted to recap some important points made to help you improve SharePoint Adoption and further your SharePoint education. Asif is a SharePoint Trainer and Consultant. He is a SharePoint Server MVP and a Microsoft Certified[…]